Greeves St. Boutique Op-shop
Meaghan is currently homeless and she sometimes comes to the shop for emergency supplies such as underwear and a clean outfit. She is a very kind, gentle and intelligent. One day she decided to help out with rotating stock, sorting donations and styling a mannequin, alongside other volunteers from the community. Later she sat on the dressing room stair and said, "You knew I'd have fun, didn't you? My partner says I always have a good day when I come to the shop."
Greeves St. Sewing Group
Babette attended the Greeves St. Sewing Group for the first time. She was clearly quite nervous and expressed how she would just like to watch. We gave her a simple task - pinning and cutting out a heart shaped wheat bag from a paper pattern in her choice of fabric - and she did a meticulous and exacting job. We were able to genuinely congratulate and encourage her. Before long she was sewing perfect lines around her wheat bag on the sewing machine. At the end of the day she received a gift card for Spotlight and took home her work. She said, "I feel so confident!" She repeated this about five times along with, "I had so much fun!"